Why I am making this site?

  1. I am already well-versed in R and dplyr, however, I would like to have a place to serve as a cheat-sheet for performing similar tasks in SQL
  2. This is a place for me to document my self-learning during COVID-19. Hopefully this will be a good place to point to when I seek future employments.


The rest of this site is organised into webpages at the top, with each webpage correspond to a specific task. Each webpage is organised into two columns, with R codes on the left and the SQL codes on the right, aiming to achieve the same tasks.

Code reproducibility


This website is deployed through GitHub Actions using the workflow above. As such, the codes should be fully reproducible.

The data that I have used are available in the same repository. The SQL set up is to use a local connection to a CSV file. It does not represent a typical workflow where one connects to a SQL server, though that is not the focus on this project.