Academic Activities


University teaching


Community service

Conference talks


I have hosted numerous workshops for academics and professionals in the past.

As a host

I have designed and hosted a series of Cloud-based workshops on the topics of:

As an administrator

As an instructor

I was an instructor for a R-workshop for the meat industry in 2017 & 2018.

University teaching

I was a Postgraduate Teaching Fellow (similar to an Associated Lecturer) at the University of Sydney between 2016 and 2019. My general responsibilities include:

  • Writing engaging and informative lecturing materials for courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels
  • Providing consultation for students
  • Mentoring and new tutors
  • Developing assessments and exams and general administrative tasks

Lecturing and tutoring

Since 2015, I have tutored courses in mathematics, statistics and data science as listed below. In addition, I was a lecturer for selected courses (in bold).


  • DATA1001: Foundation of Data Science (2018 S2)
  • DATA1901: Foundation of Data Science (Advanced) (2019 S1)
  • DATA2902: Learning from Data (Advanced) (2019 S2)
  • MATH1001: Differential Calculus (2016 S1)
  • MATH1005: Statistics (2015 WS, S2; 2016 SS, WS; 2017 S2, SS)
  • MATH1015: Statistics (2015 S1, 2018 S1)
  • MATH1115: Interrogating Data (2019 S1)}
  • MATH1905: Statistics (Advanced) (2016 S2)
  • MATH2069: Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory (2016 S1)
  • PHAR1811: Foundation of Pharmacy (2016 S1)
  • PHAR2813: Therapeutic Principles (2016 S1)
  • STAT2911: Probability Theory (Advanced) (2017 S1)
  • STAT2912: Statistical Tests (Advanced) (2016 S2)
  • STAT3914: Applied Statistics (Advanced) (2016 S2)


  • STAT5002: Introduction to Statistics (2017 S1; 2018 S1)
  • STAT5003: Computational Statistical Methods (2016 S2; 2017 S2)


I was fortunate enough to be awarded with these prizes by the following organisations during my undergraduate and postgraduate studies:

  • 2019, Statistical Society of Australia, JB Douglas Award (joint runner-up). Prize awarded to the top statistics research PhD candidates in New South Wales.

  • 2019, Statistical Society of Australia, Golden Jubilee Travel Grant. Competitive funding for a statistics PhD candidate in Australia.

  • 2018, Sydney Bioinformatics Research Symposium, Best poster presentation at the conference. AUD 50. International Biometric Society - Australasian Region, Best student talk at the conference.

  • 2017 & 2018, Australian Bioinformatics & Computational Biology Society, Travel scholarship to ABACBS annual conference.

  • 2016-2020, Australian Postgraduate Award, For the duration of PhD program at the University of Sydney.

  • 2016, Summer Research Scholar in Bioinformatics, Charles Perkins Centre. Research in data visualisation, focus on gene interaction networks for cancers.

  • 2015, International Biometric Society - Australasian Region, Awarded to the top biostatistics student undertaking a Honours program.

  • 2014, Summer Research Scholar in Mathematical Statistics, Australian National University. Research in statistics, particularly on model selection and averaging techniques.

  • 2013, Research Internship in Mathematical Biology, Winston Charitable Foundation. Research in mathematical modelling in the spread of infectious parasites in beehives.

Conference talks

I was fortunate enough to attend and gave talks at the following conferences as a PhD student:

  • 2019 JB Douglas Award - Statistical Society of Australia (invited, runner-up best student talk)
  • 2019 International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (invited)
  • 2019 International Biometrics Society - Australasian Region Conference (honourable mention for best student talk)
  • 2018 Sydney Bioinformatics Research Symposium (best student poster prize)
  • 2018 Australian Bioinformatics & Computational Biology Society Conference
  • 2018 Joint Statistical Meeting
  • 2017 International Biometrics Society - Australasian Region Conference (best student talk)
  • 2017 International Conference In Robust Statistics
  • 2016 Australian Statistical Conference

Community Services

I have served on the Council of the Statistical Society of Australia NSW (in 2022) and Victorian Branch (in 2021). I was responsible for managing social media accounts, email communications and organising workshops and network events.

During my undergraduate and postgraduate studies, I held various positions at the Sydney University Mathematics Society and Sydney University Statistics Society, including the executive President position. I was an active contributor for the outreach programs at the University of Sydney. Since 2014, I have given various talks about mathematics to high school students. My most recent talk can be found here: