
The purpose of this article is to explore some of the variables that influenced Australia’s performance in PISA study. Note that this is an observational study (as oppose to controlled experiment), and we are inferring on factors that are correlated with academic performance rather than specific causes.

Loading the packages and data

#loading the data and libraries
#> Error in get(paste0(generic, ".", class), envir = get_method_env()) : 
#>   object 'type_sum.accel' not found

student <- load_student("all")

          + theme(legend.position = "bottom"))

Visualise predictors over time

Since we are expecting some time variations in the data, let’s quickly visualize the time trends.

#filtering the data for Australia
aus_data = student |> 
  dplyr::filter(country %in% c("AUS")) |> 
  dplyr::mutate(mother_educ = mother_educ |> fct_relevel("less than ISCED1"),
    father_educ = father_educ |> fct_relevel("less than ISCED1"))

Numeric variables

A boxplot is a standardized method of presenting data distribution. It informs whether or not our data is symmetrical. Box plots are important because they give a visual overview of the data, allowing researchers to rapidly discover mean values, data set dispersion, and skewness. In this data we visualize the numeric distribution across the years via boxplots.

# plotting the distribution of numeric variables via boxplots
aus_data |> 
  select(where(is.numeric), -school_id, -student_id) |> 
  pivot_longer(cols = -year) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = factor(year), 
             y = value,
             colour = factor(year))) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  facet_wrap(~name, scales = "free_y") +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  labs(x = "Year", 
       y = "", 
       title = "The distribution of numerical variables in the student dataset over all years")

Factor variables

Missing data is a common issue that data professionals must deal with on a daily basis. In this section we visualize the number of missing values across the years for all the factor variables in the student dataset.

#checking the missing values in the factor variables of the data
aus_fct_plotdata = aus_data |> 
  select(year, where(is.factor)) |> 
  dplyr::select(-country) |> 
  pivot_longer(cols = -year) |> 
  group_by(year, name, value) |> 
  tally() |> 
    value = coalesce(value, "missing"),
    percent = n/sum(n),
    year = year |> as.character() |> as.integer()) |> 
  group_by(name, value) |> 
  dplyr::mutate(last_point = ifelse(year == max(year), as.character(value), NA))

aus_fct_plotdata |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = year, y = percent,
             label = last_point,
             group = value)) +
  geom_point() + 
  geom_line() +
  geom_label_repel(direction = "both", nudge_x = 3, seed = 2020, segment.size = 0) +
  facet_wrap(~name, scales = "free_y", ncol = 3) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015, 2018)) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
  labs(x = "Year", 
       y = "Percentage of missing values",
       title = "Missing values in the student dataset's factor variables")

We initially investigate the most current 2018 data before generalizing the models/results into any patterns due to the quantity of missing values in the data in previous years and also to decrease the time complexity in modeling.

Linear regression model for the 2018 study

Linear regression analysis predicts the value of one variable depending on the value of other variables. Because they are well known and can be trained rapidly, linear regression models have become a effective way of scientifically and consistently predicting the future.

We begin by doing a basic data exploration using linear regression models. To begin, we fit three linear models (one for each subject of math, reading, and science) to the 2018 Australian data to gain an understanding of the key variables that may be impacting test scores.

We filter the student data (we will load the complete student data using load student("all")) to pick the scores in Australia and re level some variables for further analyses.

#filtering the data to Australia, defining the predictors and selecting the scores
student_predictors = c("mother_educ", "father_educ", "gender", "internet", 
                       "desk", "room", "television", "computer_n", 
                       "car", "book", "wealth", "escs")

student_formula_rhs = paste(student_predictors, collapse = "+")

aus2018 = aus_data |> 
  dplyr::filter(year == "2018") |> 
    math, read, science, 
    all_of(student_predictors)) |> 

Checking correlation matrix of the numeric variables

A correlation matrix is a table that displays the coefficients of correlation between variables. Each cell in the table represents the relationship between two variables.

#correlation matrix for the numeric variables
aus2018 |> 
  select(where(is.numeric)) |> 
  cor(use = "pairwise.complete.obs") |> 
  round(2) |> 
  kbl(caption = "Correlation Matrix") |> 
  kable_styling(full_width = NULL,
                position = "center",
                bootstrap_options = c("hover", "striped"))
Correlation Matrix
math read science wealth escs
math 1.00 0.78 0.84 0.07 0.33
read 0.78 1.00 0.84 0.03 0.32
science 0.84 0.84 1.00 0.03 0.31
wealth 0.07 0.03 0.03 1.00 0.47
escs 0.33 0.32 0.31 0.47 1.00

Fitting three linear models

#fitting linear models for the three subjects maths, reading and science

aus2018_math = lm(formula = as.formula(paste("math ~ ", student_formula_rhs)) , data = aus2018)

aus2018_read = lm(formula = as.formula(paste("read ~ ", student_formula_rhs)) , data = aus2018)

aus2018_science = lm(formula = as.formula(paste("science ~ ", student_formula_rhs)) , data = aus2018)

sjPlot::tab_model(aus2018_math, aus2018_read, aus2018_science,
         = FALSE, show.aic = TRUE, = TRUE,
                  show.stat = TRUE,
                  show.obs = FALSE)
  math read science
Predictors Estimates std. Error Statistic p Estimates std. Error Statistic p Estimates std. Error Statistic p
(Intercept) 363.48 16.41 22.15 <0.001 346.45 18.86 18.37 <0.001 379.52 18.03 21.05 <0.001
mother educ [ISCED 1] 2.32 10.19 0.23 0.820 8.95 11.71 0.76 0.445 5.81 11.20 0.52 0.604
mother educ [ISCED 2] 2.09 9.73 0.22 0.830 13.32 11.18 1.19 0.234 7.28 10.69 0.68 0.496
mother educ [ISCED 3A] 11.16 9.64 1.16 0.247 19.23 11.07 1.74 0.083 12.30 10.59 1.16 0.245
mother educ [ISCED 3B, C] -1.86 9.92 -0.19 0.851 4.58 11.40 0.40 0.688 -1.63 10.90 -0.15 0.881
father educ [ISCED 1] 29.39 9.70 3.03 0.002 28.79 11.15 2.58 0.010 10.65 10.66 1.00 0.318
father educ [ISCED 2] 15.71 9.42 1.67 0.095 23.47 10.82 2.17 0.030 20.42 10.34 1.97 0.048
father educ [ISCED 3A] 33.76 9.38 3.60 <0.001 39.37 10.78 3.65 <0.001 32.32 10.31 3.14 0.002
father educ [ISCED 3B, C] 21.18 9.61 2.20 0.028 29.69 11.05 2.69 0.007 22.12 10.56 2.09 0.036
gender [male] 10.14 1.59 6.40 <0.001 -24.94 1.82 -13.69 <0.001 9.69 1.74 5.56 <0.001
internet [yes] 33.83 6.06 5.58 <0.001 38.44 6.97 5.52 <0.001 35.63 6.66 5.35 <0.001
desk [yes] 16.69 2.76 6.05 <0.001 17.39 3.17 5.49 <0.001 15.96 3.03 5.27 <0.001
room [yes] 9.05 3.23 2.80 0.005 4.95 3.72 1.33 0.183 4.35 3.55 1.22 0.221
television [1] 19.18 8.95 2.14 0.032 29.02 10.29 2.82 0.005 24.39 9.84 2.48 0.013
television [2] 9.83 8.90 1.10 0.269 27.33 10.23 2.67 0.008 21.53 9.78 2.20 0.028
television [3+] -3.70 8.96 -0.41 0.680 15.37 10.30 1.49 0.136 5.26 9.85 0.53 0.594
computer n [1] -7.33 7.41 -0.99 0.322 9.07 8.51 1.07 0.287 -1.17 8.14 -0.14 0.886
computer n [2] 16.39 7.33 2.24 0.025 36.30 8.42 4.31 <0.001 25.57 8.05 3.18 0.001
computer n [3+] 36.64 7.44 4.92 <0.001 55.45 8.55 6.48 <0.001 37.14 8.18 4.54 <0.001
car [1] 6.69 8.41 0.80 0.426 26.09 9.66 2.70 0.007 12.68 9.24 1.37 0.170
car [2] 15.90 8.40 1.89 0.058 34.54 9.66 3.58 <0.001 19.75 9.23 2.14 0.032
car [3+] 6.93 8.56 0.81 0.418 22.60 9.84 2.30 0.022 9.19 9.41 0.98 0.328
book0-10 -33.30 3.89 -8.57 <0.001 -66.07 4.47 -14.79 <0.001 -60.88 4.27 -14.26 <0.001
book101-200 1.06 3.28 0.32 0.747 -7.56 3.77 -2.01 0.045 -7.42 3.60 -2.06 0.039
book11-25 -23.06 3.66 -6.30 <0.001 -53.75 4.21 -12.78 <0.001 -54.13 4.02 -13.46 <0.001
book201-500 15.67 3.37 4.65 <0.001 8.76 3.88 2.26 0.024 8.32 3.70 2.25 0.025
book26-100 -2.19 3.18 -0.69 0.492 -21.03 3.66 -5.75 <0.001 -20.15 3.50 -5.76 <0.001
wealth -12.57 1.61 -7.80 <0.001 -21.05 1.85 -11.37 <0.001 -15.44 1.77 -8.72 <0.001
escs 18.05 1.37 13.14 <0.001 20.15 1.58 12.77 <0.001 17.05 1.51 11.30 <0.001
R2 / R2 adjusted 0.196 / 0.194 0.223 / 0.221 0.192 / 0.190
AIC 129529.762 132618.597 131619.367

Some interesting discoveries from these models:

  1. All three response variables seem to be influenced by the same set of factors.

  2. Father’s education level (father_educ) seems to have a much stronger effect than mother’s education level (mother_educ).

  3. While most estimates agree in signs across the three subjects, the most notable exception to this is gender, where girls tend to perform better than boys in reading.

  4. The most influential predictors are those associated with socioeconomic status (escs) and education (book). A number of variables that should not be directly causal to academic performance also showed up as significant. This is likely due to their associations with socio-economic status.

Note that in making these conclusions, we have ignored the effects of multicollinearity.

Upon checking the classical diagnostic plots of these models, we see no major violation on the assumptions of linear models. The large amount of variations in the data may help to explain why the models only has a moderately low R2R^2 values (~ 0.20).

#plotting the outcome of linear models
autoplot(aus2018_math) + labs(title = "2018 Australia maths model") +
autoplot(aus2018_read) + labs(title = "2018 Australia read model") + 
autoplot(aus2018_science) + labs(title = "2018 Australia science model")

Linear mixed model

Linear mixed models are a subset of simple linear models that allow for both fixed and random effects.

We already know that the socio-economic status (SES) of a student is often the most influential predictor and it is likely that students with similar SES will attend the same schools in their neighborhood and receive similar level of quality of education from the same teachers.

Thus, it is likely that there will be a grouping effect on the students if they attended the same school. This would imply that some observations in our data are not independent observations.

By building random effects in our linear model, that is building a linear mixed model, we should be able to produce a model with better fit if we consider this grouping effect of schools into our model.

# joining school and student data, building a linear mixed model
lmm2018 = aus_data |> 
  filter(year == 2018) |> 
    math, read, science, 
    all_of(student_predictors)) |> 

lmm2018_math = lmer(formula = as.formula(paste("math ~ ", student_formula_rhs, "+ (escs | school_id)")), data = lmm2018)

lmm2018_read = lmer(formula = as.formula(paste("read ~ ", student_formula_rhs, "+ (escs | school_id)")), data = lmm2018)

lmm2018_science = lmer(formula = as.formula(paste("science ~ ", student_formula_rhs, "+ (escs | school_id)")), data = lmm2018)

sjPlot::tab_model(lmm2018_math, lmm2018_read, lmm2018_science,
         = FALSE, show.aic = TRUE, = TRUE,
                  show.stat = TRUE,
                  show.obs = FALSE)
  math read science
Predictors Estimates std. Error Statistic p Estimates std. Error Statistic p Estimates std. Error Statistic p
(Intercept) 349.60 16.10 21.71 <0.001 332.05 18.84 17.62 <0.001 364.92 17.74 20.57 <0.001
mother educ [ISCED 1] 7.61 9.82 0.78 0.438 14.29 11.52 1.24 0.215 12.98 10.84 1.20 0.231
mother educ [ISCED 2] 10.68 9.40 1.14 0.256 21.22 11.03 1.92 0.054 16.21 10.38 1.56 0.118
mother educ [ISCED 3A] 18.21 9.30 1.96 0.050 25.87 10.91 2.37 0.018 19.81 10.27 1.93 0.054
mother educ [ISCED 3B, C] 8.24 9.57 0.86 0.389 13.83 11.23 1.23 0.218 9.00 10.57 0.85 0.394
father educ [ISCED 1] 32.51 9.37 3.47 0.001 31.61 10.99 2.88 0.004 13.03 10.34 1.26 0.208
father educ [ISCED 2] 19.96 9.09 2.20 0.028 27.17 10.66 2.55 0.011 23.40 10.03 2.33 0.020
father educ [ISCED 3A] 33.61 9.06 3.71 <0.001 39.91 10.62 3.76 <0.001 31.94 9.99 3.20 0.001
father educ [ISCED 3B, C] 25.74 9.28 2.77 0.006 33.08 10.88 3.04 0.002 25.04 10.24 2.45 0.014
gender [male] 9.18 1.60 5.72 <0.001 -24.99 1.87 -13.39 <0.001 9.07 1.77 5.12 <0.001
internet [yes] 32.45 5.82 5.58 <0.001 37.57 6.83 5.50 <0.001 34.95 6.44 5.43 <0.001
desk [yes] 15.48 2.63 5.88 <0.001 17.09 3.09 5.53 <0.001 15.08 2.91 5.18 <0.001
room [yes] 8.17 3.11 2.62 0.009 4.11 3.65 1.13 0.260 3.53 3.45 1.02 0.306
television [1] 18.13 8.85 2.05 0.040 30.01 10.30 2.91 0.004 26.04 9.77 2.67 0.008
television [2] 11.70 8.81 1.33 0.184 29.95 10.25 2.92 0.003 25.34 9.73 2.61 0.009
television [3+] 2.05 8.88 0.23 0.818 21.04 10.33 2.04 0.042 12.87 9.80 1.31 0.189
computer n [1] -3.56 7.12 -0.50 0.617 12.52 8.36 1.50 0.134 2.16 7.87 0.27 0.784
computer n [2] 20.74 7.07 2.93 0.003 40.11 8.30 4.83 <0.001 28.73 7.81 3.68 <0.001
computer n [3+] 40.27 7.19 5.60 <0.001 59.13 8.44 7.01 <0.001 40.24 7.95 5.06 <0.001
car [1] 7.71 8.08 0.95 0.340 26.48 9.48 2.79 0.005 12.85 8.93 1.44 0.150
car [2] 16.44 8.08 2.03 0.042 34.50 9.48 3.64 <0.001 19.40 8.93 2.17 0.030
car [3+] 11.50 8.25 1.39 0.163 25.58 9.67 2.64 0.008 12.05 9.12 1.32 0.186
book0-10 -32.41 3.76 -8.62 <0.001 -65.30 4.40 -14.85 <0.001 -60.08 4.15 -14.46 <0.001
book101-200 -0.82 3.16 -0.26 0.795 -9.97 3.70 -2.69 0.007 -9.99 3.49 -2.86 0.004
book11-25 -22.29 3.54 -6.30 <0.001 -53.29 4.14 -12.88 <0.001 -53.30 3.91 -13.63 <0.001
book201-500 11.98 3.24 3.69 <0.001 5.48 3.80 1.44 0.149 4.54 3.58 1.27 0.205
book26-100 -3.22 3.08 -1.05 0.296 -22.17 3.60 -6.16 <0.001 -21.07 3.40 -6.19 <0.001
wealth -14.85 1.57 -9.45 <0.001 -23.34 1.84 -12.71 <0.001 -18.08 1.73 -10.42 <0.001
escs 13.12 1.41 9.29 <0.001 16.26 1.63 9.95 <0.001 12.74 1.54 8.29 <0.001
Random Effects
σ2 5898.15 8154.47 7239.62
τ00 732.06 school_id 718.60 school_id 858.93 school_id
τ11 133.29 school_id.escs 145.17 school_id.escs 110.18 school_id.escs
ρ01 0.36 school_id 0.18 school_id 0.30 school_id
ICC 0.14 0.10 0.12
N 732 school_id 732 school_id 732 school_id
Marginal R2 / Conditional R2 0.144 / 0.262 0.191 / 0.271 0.153 / 0.258
AIC 128734.532 132139.368 130935.163

We see that the linear mixed model improved on the fit of the model, as judged by the AIC.

# subtracting AIC values of the two models
AIC(aus2018_math) - AIC(lmm2018_math),
AIC(aus2018_read) - AIC(lmm2018_read),
AIC(aus2018_science) - AIC(lmm2018_science)
) |> 
  rename(maths = ...1,
         read = ...2,
         science = ...3) |> 
  kbl(caption = "AIC Values") |> 
  kable_styling(full_width = NULL,
                position = "center",
                bootstrap_options = c("hover", "striped"))
AIC Values
maths read science
795.2309 479.2288 684.2047

Integrating with school data

We now take this dataset on students and merge it with some variables from the school data which is also a part of this learningtower package. This allows us to gain more access to the school level variables this is helpful in modelling the data.

#taking into account the school dataset variables and fitting a linear mixed model
selected_vars = c("father_educ", "gender", "internet", 
                  "desk", "computer_n", "car",
                  "book", "wealth", "escs")


aus_school_2018 = school |> 
  dplyr::filter(country == "AUS", year == "2018") |> 
  dplyr::mutate(school_size = log10(school_size)) |> ## We take the log due to the scale
  dplyr::select(-year, -country, -contains("fund"), -sch_wgt)

lmm2018_sch = lmm2018 |> 
  left_join(aus_school_2018, by = c("school_id")) |> na.omit()

school_predictors = c("stratio", "public_private", "staff_shortage", "school_size")
school_formula_rhs = paste(school_predictors, collapse = "+")

lmm2018_sch_math = lmer(formula = as.formula(paste("math ~ ", student_formula_rhs, "+ (escs | school_id) + ",
                                                   school_formula_rhs)), data = lmm2018_sch)

lmm2018_sch_read = lmer(formula = as.formula(paste("read ~ ", student_formula_rhs, "+ (escs | school_id) + ",
                                                   school_formula_rhs)), data = lmm2018_sch)

lmm2018_sch_science = lmer(formula = as.formula(paste("science ~ ", student_formula_rhs, "+ (escs | school_id) + ",
                                                      school_formula_rhs)), data = lmm2018_sch)

sjPlot::tab_model(lmm2018_sch_math, lmm2018_sch_read, lmm2018_sch_science,
         = FALSE, show.aic = TRUE, = TRUE,
                  show.stat = TRUE,
                  show.obs = FALSE)
  math read science
Predictors Estimates std. Error Statistic p Estimates std. Error Statistic p Estimates std. Error Statistic p
(Intercept) 244.46 22.95 10.65 <0.001 232.84 25.73 9.05 <0.001 276.55 24.98 11.07 <0.001
mother educ [ISCED 1] 11.15 10.79 1.03 0.302 18.11 12.73 1.42 0.155 11.76 11.90 0.99 0.323
mother educ [ISCED 2] 15.32 10.39 1.48 0.140 25.98 12.25 2.12 0.034 17.74 11.45 1.55 0.121
mother educ [ISCED 3A] 21.66 10.28 2.11 0.035 28.74 12.12 2.37 0.018 19.48 11.34 1.72 0.086
mother educ [ISCED 3B, C] 11.72 10.58 1.11 0.268 15.60 12.48 1.25 0.211 8.08 11.67 0.69 0.488
father educ [ISCED 1] 35.65 10.32 3.46 0.001 34.73 12.17 2.85 0.004 17.88 11.37 1.57 0.116
father educ [ISCED 2] 19.44 10.03 1.94 0.053 29.31 11.83 2.48 0.013 26.47 11.06 2.39 0.017
father educ [ISCED 3A] 33.81 10.00 3.38 0.001 40.66 11.79 3.45 0.001 34.36 11.02 3.12 0.002
father educ [ISCED 3B, C] 27.63 10.24 2.70 0.007 37.49 12.07 3.11 0.002 30.63 11.29 2.71 0.007
gender [male] 8.70 1.74 4.99 <0.001 -25.74 2.03 -12.70 <0.001 8.59 1.92 4.47 <0.001
internet [yes] 29.02 6.37 4.55 <0.001 30.57 7.49 4.08 <0.001 28.92 7.04 4.11 <0.001
desk [yes] 14.15 2.89 4.89 <0.001 14.50 3.39 4.27 <0.001 12.08 3.20 3.78 <0.001
room [yes] 3.66 3.37 1.08 0.279 0.99 3.96 0.25 0.803 0.93 3.73 0.25 0.802
television [1] 12.03 9.58 1.26 0.209 24.94 11.12 2.24 0.025 18.96 10.56 1.80 0.073
television [2] 6.11 9.54 0.64 0.522 25.45 11.07 2.30 0.022 18.16 10.51 1.73 0.084
television [3+] -4.40 9.61 -0.46 0.647 15.28 11.15 1.37 0.170 5.32 10.59 0.50 0.615
computer n [1] 3.70 7.91 0.47 0.640 15.57 9.32 1.67 0.095 4.31 8.73 0.49 0.621
computer n [2] 27.59 7.86 3.51 <0.001 42.63 9.26 4.60 <0.001 31.73 8.67 3.66 <0.001
computer n [3+] 45.46 7.99 5.69 <0.001 60.32 9.41 6.41 <0.001 41.59 8.82 4.72 <0.001
car [1] 11.91 8.59 1.39 0.166 27.03 10.12 2.67 0.008 15.13 9.49 1.59 0.111
car [2] 20.22 8.59 2.36 0.019 36.07 10.10 3.57 <0.001 21.10 9.48 2.23 0.026
car [3+] 16.64 8.77 1.90 0.058 28.29 10.31 2.74 0.006 15.50 9.68 1.60 0.109
book0-10 -35.82 4.10 -8.74 <0.001 -67.82 4.80 -14.12 <0.001 -63.68 4.53 -14.06 <0.001
book101-200 -2.95 3.44 -0.86 0.390 -11.58 4.03 -2.88 0.004 -11.70 3.79 -3.08 0.002
book11-25 -22.12 3.87 -5.72 <0.001 -53.30 4.53 -11.77 <0.001 -52.58 4.27 -12.31 <0.001
book201-500 10.28 3.52 2.92 0.004 3.52 4.13 0.85 0.395 3.29 3.89 0.84 0.398
book26-100 -6.01 3.35 -1.79 0.073 -25.17 3.93 -6.41 <0.001 -24.36 3.70 -6.58 <0.001
wealth -15.69 1.72 -9.12 <0.001 -23.88 2.01 -11.85 <0.001 -18.64 1.90 -9.81 <0.001
escs 11.88 1.52 7.80 <0.001 15.52 1.79 8.69 <0.001 11.30 1.66 6.80 <0.001
stratio 0.56 0.32 1.75 0.080 0.32 0.31 1.02 0.309 0.17 0.33 0.51 0.609
public private [public] -12.29 2.94 -4.18 <0.001 -14.20 2.97 -4.78 <0.001 -14.18 3.11 -4.55 <0.001
staff shortage -4.27 1.56 -2.74 0.006 -3.61 1.59 -2.27 0.023 -4.68 1.66 -2.83 0.005
school size 37.12 5.52 6.73 <0.001 38.97 5.72 6.82 <0.001 36.88 5.89 6.26 <0.001
Random Effects
σ2 5936.00 8233.78 7285.06
τ00 602.13 school_id 494.18 school_id 655.09 school_id
τ11 83.58 school_id.escs 118.77 school_id.escs 57.79 school_id.escs
ρ01 0.45 school_id 0.17 school_id 0.44 school_id
ICC 0.11 0.07 0.10
N 608 school_id 608 school_id 608 school_id
Marginal R2 / Conditional R2 0.181 / 0.273 0.217 / 0.273 0.181 / 0.260
AIC 108233.116 111106.699 110061.230

We note the following:

  1. The school size (school_size) is a strong predictor for academic performance, implying larger schools tend to do better. This is likely a confounding variable for the urban/rural region of the school which can imply a difference in available funding of school facilities.

  2. Private school tends to better than public schools (note the reference level and the negative coefficient estimate in the variable public_private).

  3. Perhaps surprisingly, the student-teacher ratio (stratio) wasn’t found to be significant but the shortage of staff (staff_shortage) was significant. This would imply that as long as the school is adequately supported by staff, further reduction in the student-teacher ratio does not have a statistical significant effect on student performance.

Visualising coefficient estimates over the years

All analyses above focused on the year 2018 for Australia, but what about the other years? We also visualize the academic performances of students as a function of time in the time trend article, so in this section, we attempt to visualize the effect of some interesting variables and their linear model coefficient estimates for each of the PISA study over time.

We would expect the availability of technology (e.g. computer) could be beneficial for students at the start of the 21st century, but it is not clear if students will be helped by these technologies as time goes by.

The construction goes as follow:

  1. We first split the entire Australian data by year and fit a linear model, with math as the response variable.

  2. We extract the coefficient estimate for every predictor from every linear model and combine the result.

  3. We then plot the years on the x-axis and the coefficient estimates on the y-axis as points and join each variable using a line. For categorical variables, we split the categories as separate lines.

  4. Additionally, we show the 95% confidence interval of each coefficient estimate using a transparent ribbon and show the y = 0 line. i.e. whenever the ribbon crosses the horizontal line, the p-value for testing this level will be < 0.05.

#Fitting a linear model, extracting the coefficients and visualizing every predictor
aus_student_years = aus_data |> 
    year) |> 

aus_student_years_coef = aus_student_years |> 
  group_by(year) |> 
  nest() |> 
  dplyr::mutate(math_lm_coef = purrr::map(.x = data, 
                              .f = ~ lm(formula = as.formula(paste("math ~ ", student_formula_rhs)), data = .x) |> 
                                broom::tidy())) |> 
  dplyr::select(-data) |> 

aus_student_years_coef |> 
  dplyr::filter(str_detect(term, "computer|father_educ|escs|wealth")) |> 
    year = year |> as.character() |> as.integer(),
    facet = case_when(
      str_detect(term, "computer") ~ "Number of computer",
      str_detect(term, "father_educ") ~ "Education of father",
      # str_detect(term, "mother_educ") ~ "Education of mother",
      str_detect(term, "wealth") ~ "Wealth",
      str_detect(term, "escs") ~ "Socio-economic index"),
    last_point = ifelse(year == 2018, term, NA)) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = year, y = estimate,
             colour = term,
             group = term,
             label = last_point)) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
  geom_point(position = position_dodge(width = 0.8), size = 2) +
  geom_line(position = position_dodge(width = 0.8), size = 1.5) +
  geom_linerange(aes(ymin = estimate - 2*std.error,
                     ymax = estimate + 2*std.error),
                 size = 4, alpha = 0.7,
                 position = position_dodge(width = 0.8)) +
  geom_label_repel(direction = "both", nudge_x = 2, seed = 2020, segment.size = 0) +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(2005.5, 2022),
                     breaks = c(2006, 2009, 2012, 2015, 2018)) +
  facet_wrap(~facet, scales = "free_y") +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  labs(x = "Year",
       y = "Estimate",
       title = "Graphing coefficient estimates throughout time")

We note the following:

  1. Even though in the 2018, we found the education of father was statistically significant against students’ academic performance, this was not always the case. From 2006 to 2018, the education of father seems to have ever positive influence on students.

  2. It is clear that access to computers is ever more prevalent in Australia. But surprisingly, the positive influence of computers are decreasing. It is not clear why this would be the case. One possible reason is that students might have access to computers outside of their homes (e.g. from schools) and thus the advantages of accessing computers are dampened.

  3. Quite interestingly, the influence of socio-economic index is dropping, implying a gradual move towards equality.

Session info

#> R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31)
#> Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
#> Running under: Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS
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