A subset data containing school weight and other information from the triennial testing of 15 year olds around the globe. Original data available from https://www.oecd.org/en/about/programmes/pisa/pisa-data.html.


A tibble of the following variables

  • year: Year of the PISA data. Integer.

  • country: Country 3 character code. Note that some regions/territories are coded as country for ease of input. Chracter.

  • school_id: The school identification number, unique for each country and year combination. Character.

  • fund_gov: Percentage of total funding for school year from government. Numeric.

  • fund_fees: Percentage of total funding for school year from student fees or school charges paid by parents. Numeric.

  • fund_donation: Percentage of total funding for school year from benefactors, donations, bequests, sponsorship, parent fundraising. Numeric.

  • enrol_boys: Number of boys in the school. Numeric.

  • enrol_girls: Number of girls in the school. Numeric.

  • stratio: Student-Teacher ratio. Numeric.

  • public_private: Is the school a public or private school. Factor.

  • staff_shortage: Shortage of staff. Numeric.

  • sch_wgt: The final survey weight score for the schools. Numeric.

  • school_size: The school size. Numeric.